A few weeks ago, I first realized the difference whether I am emotionally in the past/future or in the present. Being present increases the intensity with which I perceive my husband as well as my intuition and inspiration. This makes me feel strong, balanced and able to cope with the situations that life brings to me.
I see presence as the meeting point between the material and the spiritual world. In being present you can immerse yourself in the feeling of love. Love is a feeling of presence – and in love we meet one another, we feel our connection. Presence is a state of being. You ARE present – with your attention entirely in the present moment.
How to achieve presence
This requires a certain inner and outer calm.
Let go of everything that is bothering you. If you have concerns, turn them over to the spiritual world with a request for help/insight. Specify the difficulty and hand it over. Handed over – request for help/insight. Again, and again until you feel calm.
Be mindful of what happens in the outside world in the next few days and weeks, which conversations of other people you hear by chance, which people you meet, which insights suddenly arise in you …
Sometimes it can take a few weeks, sometimes the solution/insight comes within a few hours. The spiritual world is extremely creative!
One possible approach to achieve presence is meditation. Pay attention to the rhythm of your breath. Feel the inner calm. Now turn your attention to being in the moment, the present moment beyond space and time.
Another option is to simply focus on your love for the deceased. Keep your attention entirely to this feeling of love. Notice how it gets more intense until it leaves space and time behind.
When meditating, it is common to close your eyes. With your eyes closed, however, thoughts often slip away very quickly. In order to get into the state of presence it can therefore be helpful to keep your eyes open. Just try out what works better for you.