Some days ago, someone said to me: Make hope happen. And I wondered – how do you make hope happen? Things you can make happen are usually not the things you hope for. Hope is connected to things that you cannot achieve, that are beyond your control.
My husband says: “Hope is a beautiful state of being. Like love, hope is a source from which you can draw strength. It is a sign that something beautiful emerges from the darkness and cold, like snowdrops in winter. Hope carries you through the darkness to a new place of light and warmth.”
“Hope is the light in the darkness. You dare not believe and yet the feeling of hope signals to you that something positive is on the horizon. You may not see it yet, but you can already feel it. Once you emerge from the darkness, new opportunities await you.
“Focus your attention on the small joys of everyday life. This requires relearning at the beginning until it becomes a habit. It is worth it! One day you will realize that the darkness also had a meaning in your life. Light and darkness come together – they belong to each other.”
The Red Thread
Some of the messages that we receive from the spirit world are valuable for everyone. One of these messages that I recently had the privilege of delivering was about a lifelong topic that was once again confronting the rather frustrated recipient.
“You can only work through this topic step by step. Even though it seems like you are back where you were before, you are now in a completely different place. Be proud of how far you have already come.”
Then the communicator, a lady with a great sense of humor, added: “The positive thing is that you are already familiar with this topic. You have already worked on it, and it is getting easier. Would you rather get a completely new topic that requires you to start from the beginning?”
“If everything around seems dark, look again … you may be the light!” (Rumi)